Jaume Plensa
Umeå, 9.6–28.9 2012
UMEDALEN SKULPTUR 2012: Focus on Jaume Plensa
The 13th edition of Umedalen Skulptur is for the first year in history a one-man show. During previous years, from 1994 until 2010, a number of artists have been invited to present one sculpture each, creating a wide variation of group exhibitions. More than 200 sculptures have been exhibited so far, out of which the real estate company Balticgruppen has bought 35 for permanent placement in the park. Today, these works are forming an impressive and unique sculpture collection. The most recent acquisition is “Nosotros”, a five-meter high steel sculpture by the internationally renowned artist Jaume Plensa from Barcelona. The sculpture is already one of the most popular works in the park. Since Jaume Plensa is such an interesting, versatile and complex artist, it seems highly relevant to present an in-depth exhibition of his world of art. Therefore, we are departing from our tradition of group exhibitions, instead choosing to place one single artist in the spotlight. It is with great pride and pleasure that we introduce to you a solo exhibition with one of the most important contemporary artists; Jaume Plensa.